What Exactly Is Witchcraft?

          After a lovely conversation with a very Christian woman on whether or not essential oils were witchcraft I came to the realization that most people don’t know how to define witchcraft, let alone know how they feel about it. We have a culture in which the witch is...

Smudging 101: The Vessel

This is the final post of a four part series on smudging. If you’d like to start at the beginning, the first post can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/smudging-101-introduction-rebekah-gamble The Vessel                 You have probably seen smudge kits with abalone shells in them. There is nothing wrong with using an...

Smudging 101: Plants Used in Smudging

This is post three in a four part series on smudging. To start from the beginning, see the first post here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/smudging-101-introduction-rebekah-gamble?trk=prof-post Plants in Smudging                Plants are my favorite. I am fortunate to call several trees and herbs my first teachers, and as I realized others did not...

Smudging 101: How to Smudge

This post is part of a four part series on smudging. To see the first post, “An Introduction to Smudging,” use this link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/smudging-101-introduction-rebekah-gamble How to Smudge                Smudging is not just burning plants in a room. First, you must understand that you are using the smoke, not the...

Finding and Caring for Your Frame Drum

          We work with drums often in my classes, whether that be using them for musical reasons, trance work, journeying, healing, or group rituals and certain ceremonies. Often people will find one of the drums they work with really calls to them and works with them. Others will go...