Essential Oils for the Chakras

Essential Oils for the Chakras

Essential oils can help deepen and increase the intensity of energetic practices like chakra work, meditation and anointings. For practitioners, they can help you get the results you want with a client’s session faster, allowing you to reach more people in less time and helping you have the stamina to see as many people as you can make time for. Understanding how these oils work can also help you make diffuser blends that start working on people as soon as they enter the room. This can increase the potency of events, help people learn or even do basic energy work on people before you even start the session. A great way to start working with oils for an energy practice is to understand how different oils affect the chakra system. We’ll take a look at how some of my favorite oils affect the basic seven chakra system most people are working with in the states.


The crown is an interesting chakra because it is located in different places on different people. For men, the chakra is most often located on top of the head. Women are more likely to have the chakra further back where the soft spot used to be. All chakras can move through the day, but this is the range of motion for this chakra generally speaking.

Frankincense: Frankincense is my favorite crown oil. It carries the energy of the sun and of gold, both of which correspond to the crown. This oil energizes and heats the chakra and the associated organs to the point where studies have been performed to study the effects of this oil on the associated organs and it is now used in clinical practices for this purpose.

Angelica: Angelica is considered a sacred plant in some traditional communities because of its powerful upright nature. The plant strengthens the central column while uplifting the energy flow to the more celestial planes. It also has a strong, purifying bloom at the top of its stem. The effects on the energy system are similar in that it helps the crown ‘bloom.’ However, this oil is very protective while opening and purifying the crown. It is good for protecting and empowering the whole system.

Other favorites for the crown: Jasmine, Myrrh, Laurel, Sage, Rosemary, Cypress, Bergamot, Helicrysum

Third Eye

The third eye corresponds to the pituitary. What is often not understood about the pituitary is that it has two parts. The first part can be accessed through the ‘third eye point’ between the brows on a person, and the posterior of the gland can be accessed through the roof of the mouth. If you’re comfortable using your oils brand internally, a bit on the thumb on the roof of the mouth can impact that part of the gland, thus balancing the chakra from both sides.

Sandalwood: Sandalwood is one of my favorite oils, period. It is from a very endangered plant, however, so I’m begging you to be careful about where you buy this oil and to be aware of their sustainability. This oil stimulates both function and balance for the third eye, especially for men (it increases and balances the output of male hormones when applied to the third eye). To use it to stimulate the eye, take a drop on your finger and move it upward like you’re opening the eye over the third eye point. To help balance an overactive chakra, simply move the finger down in the same area like you’re closing the eye.

Lavender: Lavender helps sedate the third eye and calm the brain by triggering alpha wave production. It is also especially helpful in balancing female hormones and assisting the body in producing estrogen. To use this one, simply put a dab of oil on the third eye point or on the roof of the mouth. If you are a professional, please be aware that this oil is the one that people are most often sensitized to. It’s therefore unwise to diffuse at an event. If you want similar calming effects, clary sage is a good replacement.

Other third eye favorites: Jasmine, Myrrh, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Bergamot, Spikenard


The throat is not just about honesty as some believe. It is about integrity and the communication of the essence of a person with the outside world. It is also about creativity and communication.

Geranium: I use geranium here most often. It helps release the binds people have on their throat while empowering the center. It does affect the thyroid, so be aware of the thyroid needs of a person before using it. This oil is also the best replacement for rose oil for both the throat and the heart.

Clove: Clove warms, stimulates and balances the center. It brings a warmth to interactions and cleanses the center. Whereas geranium is expansive and cooling, clove is purifying and warming. It is also a good plant for throat gargles to hit the chakra from the inside out.

Other favorites: Myrtle, Spruce, Peppermint, Spearmint, Myrrh, Frankincense


Of course the best oil for the heart is rose, however real rose oil is incredibly expensive as it’s a very labor intensive oil to make. The ‘heart’ chakra also has several components. Though the chakra itself is rooted at the thymus in the center of the chest, a secondary part of the chakra engulfs the heart itself and has different components for the four chambers and the pericardium. A skilled practitioner can also fine tune how they’re using the energy to affect the valves and flow of blood. For the oils I’ve chosen here I chose oils that affect all of these parts in a positive way. I’ve left rose oil out due to its expense, but it is the best oil for this center if you can afford good oil. Joy or Valor are actually my go-tos, but I have also left these out as they are company specific blends that not all have access to.

Juniper: Juniper is an opener and a heater. It is a sacred plant in many traditions across the world, especially in Europe, and is considered the doorway to the world of the spirit and the world of the dead. I have found that it is powerful in balancing the spiritual and physical natures that pull on the heart center while warming and reviving the heart. It seems to be more potent on males than females and is more powerful for the thymus part of the chakra than the heart. This is the “green” part of the chakra.

Ylang Ylang: Ylang Ylang (pronounced ee-long ee-long) is a very sweet oil, often overpoweringly sweet unless it’s the oil that a person needs. It balances the heart and all it’s components almost as well as rose oil does, but it is not as intense for the thymus. It also balances feminine energy and hormones and expands the “pink” part of the chakra.

Other heart favorites: Spruce, Geranium, Hyssop, Lavender, Angelica, Rosewood, Tansy

Solar Plexus

The solar plexus is the root of willpower and the mental body in the physical form. The chakra thus affects these two. For folks with anger issues or chronic agitation, this is one of the first places I work to balance.

Neroli: Neroli is a floral oil made from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree. It is a powerful relaxant good for sedating all chakras. It is also empowering without stimulating for the solar plexus and helps bring out the softer qualities of this chakra.

Ginger: Ginger is interestingly relaxant of the organs that this chakra impacts but empowering to the chakra itself. It is much warmer and more active, bringing out and balancing the harder qualities of the chakra.

Other oils for the solar plexus: Fennel, Chamomile, Geranium, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Nutmeg, Orange, Lemon


This is my favorite chakra of the bunch. Many people focus on the ‘sexual’ aspect of this chakra, but the sex act itself is actually involved with the root chakra. The sacral chakra carries all the events in early childhood up to age 6-7, all the memory of violation of self or soul, and all memory of intimate connection that is sexual or not. It’s also the place where the seed self, that is the person you were at birth before culture and experience shaped you, is rooted. In the womb, the baby is formed around this energy point. Oils for this chakra should help a person get back up after they’ve been knocked down and be deeply comforting. Whereas the throat is the ability to create outwardly, the creative (and procreative) energy is here as creativity is an expression of this deeper seed self.

Chamomile: Chamomile is the energy of the ability to recognize difficult situations that can’t be helped but to choose to thrive anyway. Roman chamomile is so named because it was one of the plants that would spring back first after the Romans had marched the plants down to squashed pieces. When a person has been trampled on, this can be a positive oil for them to lift their head back up again and bloom anyway. It’s also the most deeply relaxing oil I am aware of and is especially powerful for people who have learned not to relax as their bodies are often not expecting this oil.

Tangerine: Tangerine is more empowering and stimulating to this part of the energy body. It is also playful and good for bringing out the characteristics of that deep, child-like seed self. Diffused it can help an entire room cope better and is even used in dentist’s offices for this purpose (along with orange, which is a good replacement when tangerine is not available).

Other ‘sacral’ oils: Peppermint, Helicrysum, Rose, Sandalwood, Spruce, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood, Blue Tansy


The root is the powerful foundation of the rest of the system. The chakra moves between the bottom of the body below the genitals, in the genitals and out the back through the kidneys and the adrenals. If this chakra is under developed or unstable, the rest of the system will burn out or be unsupported. It is literally vital to get this chakra stable before the rest of the system can be healthy. It’s also where a good deal of energy from ancestors moves through the body.

Black Pepper: I reach for black pepper most often for this chakra. It is very stimulating to this energy center. It is also drying and dispersing overall, which can help move emotion from the chakra and help energy flow to other parts of the body, but it can be too powerful for some people.

Black Spruce: The second go-to in my practice is spruce, specifically black spruce. Spruce oil is very special in that it carries the energy of the northern lights. The lights balance all the nadis and meridians, connect a person to the ancestors, and pulls that energy up through the base of the feet toward the crown to brighten the crown. It’s grounding but spiritually uplifting.

Other root chakra favorites: Pine, Dragon’s Blood, Vetiver, Cedarwood

Favorite “All Over” Oils for the Chakra System

You may have noticed that certain oils came up over and over in those lists. It seems fitting to tell you the oils I use most often for all the chakras. These are Rose, Neroli, Sage, Lavender, Palo Santo, Peppermint, Black Spruce, Rosewood, Chamomile, Juniper, Myrrh, Frankincense, White Angelica or Angelica, and Tansy. If you’re curious about more info on these oils, I encourage you to take my next “Essential Oils for Energy Workers” class, where you’ll get to try these oils and learn how to use them. If you’re interested in attending or want to know how to get on my team to be trained in these uses of the oils, shoot me an email directly at Finally, if this post was helpful for you, please share it to help others!