
Unintended Consequences: Cain and the Holocaust’s Badges

I firmly believe there’s nothing more important in the world than stories. In the stories we tell ourselves and others we find truth, God, and all the things that make us human including our humanity itself. The consciousness forming our body shows we’re literally made of stories. So is...

Food and Sleep

If you’re interested in discovering your personal relationship between food and sleep, here are a few pointers: 1. Timing: There is no definitive research as to when people should and shouldn’t eat in relationship to sleep quality, but the National Sleep Foundation has stated that it’s best not to...

Caring For Feather Tools

If you practice an earth-based spiritual path, there’s a good chance that you have tools made in whole or in part of animal parts. Some of the most common tools practitioners use are fans made of feathers, preserved wings, and single feathers. Here are some tips on preparing and...

Essential Oils for the Chakras

Essential oils can help deepen and increase the intensity of energetic practices like chakra work, meditation and anointings. For practitioners, they can help you get the results you want with a client’s session faster, allowing you to reach more people in less time and helping you have the stamina...

All About Carrier Oils

What’s a Carrier Oil? A carrier oil is an oil with a neutral smell that is derived from a vegetable that is not volatile. Carrier oils do go bad because of the compounds they contain and generally have a shelf life of about six months to a year. Each...

To Bra or Not to Bra? Health is the Question.

We’ve all seen women’s activists and supposed wellness experts telling women to burn their bras and that bras are a part of the patriarchy. I often see these posts, pointing out the fact that underwire prevents lymphatic drainage (it does) and that ‘there’s no evidence that gravity isn’t good...

Giving Powerful Blessings

Anyone can give a blessing, whether it be speaking kind words over a person, delivering a spiritual blessing, or helping someone in need. Spiritually, blessings are a way for people to connect to the divine and spiritual worlds. There are many ways to give a blessing, but that connection,...

A Letter to Myself

          I was recently interviewed on the spiritual nature of being third gender. As a part of that summit, I was invited to write a letter as myself today to the self I was during the time of intense struggle over this issue. Before submitting the letter, I sent...

Healing Potential in ASMR

            In the upcoming book Become Your Strength, the next edition in the Talking Stick Diaries series, we talk briefly about Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and how watching a few videos online can help a person with healing mother issues and the acceptance of gentleness and love. There...

What Exactly Is Witchcraft?

          After a lovely conversation with a very Christian woman on whether or not essential oils were witchcraft I came to the realization that most people don’t know how to define witchcraft, let alone know how they feel about it. We have a culture in which the witch is...

Smudging 101: The Vessel

This is the final post of a four part series on smudging. If you’d like to start at the beginning, the first post can be found here: The Vessel                 You have probably seen smudge kits with abalone shells in them. There is nothing wrong with using an...